Group of medical professionals standing around nurses station

Improving the Lives of Rehabilitation Patients

Research is core to California Rehabilitation Institute’s mission of advancing patient care. Our goal is to recognize challenges, innovate and evaluate new treatments that improve the lives of rehabilitation patients. We do this through studies, performed during admission to California Rehabilitation Institute or after discharge.

Active research studies

Below is a listing of our active research studies. If you, a loved one or your patient meets the eligibility requirements, please reach out to the contact listed below.

  • Sensorimotor Studies

    Short study name: Sensorimotor
    Main inclusion criteria: Stroke onset less than 30 days
    Main exclusion criteria: Active musculoskeletal or peripheral nerve disease that affects UE function; Deficits in communication or cognition
    Brief description: A better understanding of sensorimotor behaviors early after stroke would enable clinicians to personalize rehabilitation care and to better match patients with an effective therapy.

    Contact: Lorie Brinkman, Isabel Cardoso Ferreira, Andrea Stehman
    Email: [email protected]



    Telerehabilitation in the Home after Stroke

    Short study name: TR-2 Trial Study
    Main inclusion criteria: Age 18-80 years old; Index stroke radiographically verified; Time of onset 120+/30 days prior to randomization; Upper extremity deficits
    Main exclusion criteria: A major, active, coexistent neurological or psychiatric disease, e.g., alcoholism or dementia; Deficits in communication that interfere with reasonable study participation
    Brief description: Comprehensive video game-based arm motor therapy designed with the user's specific needs and goals in mind to increase dose of therapy

    Contact: Ryan McCarville
    Email: [email protected]



    Telerehabilitation Bedside

    Short study name: TR Bedside
    Main inclusion criteria: Age 18 years or older; Individuals with arm weakness after a stroke, spinal cord injury or brain injury within 90 days of onset
    Main exclusion criteria: A major, active, coexistent neurological or psychiatric disease; Deficits in cognitive status that will likely interfere substantially with playing assisted games or exercises; Deficits in communication that interfere with reasonable study participation 
    Brief description: Video game based arm motor therapy

    Contact: Michael Su; Isabel Cardoso Ferreira, Andrea Stehman
    Email: [email protected]



    Feasibility of Using Virtual Reality and Sensors

    Short study name: Virtual Reality and Sensors
    Main inclusion criteria: Stroke with right or left sided arm weakness and disability; Understand directions and able to provide feedback; Inpatients or outpatients
    Main exclusion criteria: Other serious health conditions that would limit participation
    Brief description: Use wearable sensor system and a virtual reality system to assist and give feedback about assessment and practice of a range of movement skills

    Contact: Seungmin Jung or Bruce Dobkin, MD
    Email: [email protected]



    The Relationship Between Function, Stroke Severity and Perception of Health at Follow-up in Stroke Rehabilitation Patients

    Short study name: PROMIS PRO
    Main inclusion criteria: New onset stroke diagnosis; 18 years of age and older; Discharged from California Rehabilitation Institute between June 2019 and December 2020
    Main exclusion criteria: Patients without new onset stroke; Under 18 years of age
    Brief description: This retrospective study aims include determining the relationship between function, stroke severity and perceived health status in this population and the factors that predict favorable health status.

    Contact: Maria Cecilia Alpasan
    Email: [email protected]



    The Efficacy of a Frequency-tuned Electromagnetic Field Treatment in Facilitating the Recovery of Subacute Ischemic Stroke Patients – a Pivotal Study

    Short study name: EMAGINE-BrainQ 2.0
    Main inclusion criteria: Age 22-80 inclusive; Ischemic stroke within 21 days; Arm weakness
    Main exclusion criteria: Preexisting neurological conditions, including seizures
    Brief description: BrainQ is an investigational wearable device that provide noninvasive electromagnetic fields to stimulate neuronal networks.  We are investigating to see if it can augment recovery after an ischemic stroke.

    Contact: Michael Su or Pamela Roberts
    Email: [email protected] or [email protected]


  • 3D Kinematic Analysis of Human Movements

    Short study name: 3D Kinematic Analysis
    Main inclusion criteria: Patients with neurological disorders affecting their movements, as well as healthy controls
    Main exclusion criteria: Patients who do not have any motor deficits will not be included in the study      
    Brief description: Kinematic analysis, utilizing a stereo-camera system to video record human subjects as they perform arm movements.

    Contact: Dr. Ahmet Arac
    Email: [email protected]


  • ExaStimUpper Limb Pivotal Clinical Validation Study

    Short study name: ExaStim
    Main inclusion criteria: Chronic SCI between C2 and T2 inclusive; ASIA A,B, C or D; Limited function of UEs with ISNCSCI UE Motor score for each arm from 5 to 20 inclusive; Non-zero score in at least one of the UEMS C7, C8, and T1 muscles on either side
    Main exclusion criteria: Active implanted medical device for electrical stimulation; Other internal metallic objectives; Botox injections to the upper limb in prior 3 months; Uncontrolled autonomic dysreflexia or orthostatic hypotension; BMI >40; Acute medical conditions under active treatment; Pregnant or planned pregnancy; Allergy to hydrogel, silicone, latex; Uncontrolled cardiopulmonary disease, ventilator dependent, uncontrolled epilepsy or seizures; Unmanaged depression, psychiatric disorders or ongoing substance abuse 
    Brief description: To evaluate the effectiveness of the ExaStim device relative to sham stimulation in restoring upper extremity function in chronic SCI

    Contact: Pamela Roberts
    Email: [email protected]

  • COVID Recovered Inpatient Rehabilitation Outcomes

    Short study name: COVID Recovered
    Main inclusion criteria: First inpatient rehabilitation admission; 18 years of age and older; Diagnosis of Post-COVID-19
    Main exclusion criteria: Under 18 years of age; Not first inpatient rehabilitation admission
    Brief Description: This study will provide an analysis of COVID-19 patients treated within 12 inpatient rehabilitation facilities across the United States. This information will provide important evidence to guide inpatient rehabilitation facilities across a wide range of populations and geographic locations.

    Contact: Pamela Roberts
    Email: [email protected]

  • Pain Pre-Treatment Impact on Therapy Participation and Outcomes

    Short study name: Pain
    Main inclusion criteria: All admissions for orthopedic recovery during January – December 2022
    Main exclusion criteria: Not admitted in CY 2022 for orthopedic conditions
    Brief description: To better understand the effects of pain pre-treatment in the inpatient rehabilitation setting for orthopedic patients.

    Contact: Brandi Hamilton
     [email protected]



    Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of LVAD and Transplant Population and Association with Functional Gain in Self-care, Mobility, and Walking

    Short study name: LVAD/Transplant
    Main inclusion criteria: All transplant and LVAD patients 18 years old or older; Received LVAD implantation or organ transplant; Initial acute hospitalization; First inpatient rehabilitation after transplant or LVAD
    Main exclusion criteria: Under 18 years of age; Subsequent admissions for transplant or LVAD
    Brief description: To determine the demographic, encounter, and clinical characteristics of LVAD and transplant populations associated with functional gain in self-care, mobility, and walking and to determine if health equity had an impact on functional gain.

    Contact: Pamela Roberts
    Email: [email protected]


Any Questions?

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact us.